Birthdays, moai and Ikigai

I am still on holiday and enjoying the sun kissed beaches of Southbourne, celebrating Iris turning 13 !! Thus Glycine and its amazing functions will have to wait. For now, let’s revisit a thought I had back in 2019…… Can you imagine living being a hundred years old and meeting up with the same friends for the last 90 years? On the island of Okinawa,…

Two keys to optimal brain health

Hundreds of thousands of students got their A-Level results, for some pure joy and ecstasy. For others, oh, the feeling of despair in the pit of your stomach is one that lingers. For some, this marks a change of direction, a sliding doors moment (easy to see in hindsight), for others the cumulation of hard work over two years to move to the next stepping…

Meta-Boost has landed!!

Well, after so much waiting, it is finally here, a truly unique supplement you cannot get anywhere else. Perfect support for patients in long term-pain especially (but not exclusively) directly from nerve source (radiculopathy, neuropathy, carpal tunnel etc), fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), migraine, depression & anxiety. Additional benefits are better blood sugar balance and weight loss in obese patients. We have a simple 1…

To B(12) or not to B(12) that is the question

Liposomal B12, in the HYDROXO Form Soooooo, just in case here is some need to know clinical info on vitamin B12. There are four forms We do not use CYANOcobalamin, end of. The ACTIVE forms are: – METHYLcobalamin – which works in the METHYLATION cycle, making everything from DNA/new cells, neurotransmitters, myelin, creatine, while also breaking down histamine & oestrogen, plus tons more (it is…

Ego’s, Tribes and Certainty

Civil discourse is not a new heavy metal band on the popular hit parade, it is one of the foundations of a civil society.  It is how we move forward and progress as a society.  The point is, by having debates and discussions in good faith, it is an opportunity to IMPROVE your opinion, not a chance to PROVE your opinion. Uncivil discourse is by…

When is a placebo not a placebo?

Question: When is a placebo not a placebo? (short) Answer: If it is something other than an inert substance, like saline. This shouldn’t really need to be explained, but in a scientific world that has been manipulated by the pharmaceutical industry, it sadly does. Take our old friend statins, the best-selling drug in the world. You would think, if you are going to publish in…

A gut based cure for autism?

In case you haven’t heard, there is an explosion in the diagnosis of autism. There are a few things to unpack here. First, we were under diagnosing it before, no doubt. Especially in women, it turns out, the recent BBC documentary by Christine McGuinness is worth watching. Women/girls are better at “masking”. But we should also consider whether we are potentially overdiagnosing it now?…

Chiro Ice just got even better

Well, we have a lovely new gaggle of DC/DO’s nestling into our nutritional bosom here at ACN, and I plan to let them suckle at my functional medicine teat until they are in a milky learning coma. Let that image settle in…… Secondly, today should be the launch day for Meta Boost, but people have let us down badly and it will now be another…

Bad Science = Great Journalism

It is hard to read any mainstream media content these days without being told that food X is either death on a stick or the key to longevity. These kinds of articles are often written by “science” journalists, an oxymoron if there ever was one. They get a press release from a company who have paid for some “science” to be done and, would you…