Last week I had the pleasure of spending a few days in Cardiff, first with the lovely Michelle Thomas at her wellness hub, where we had 20 DC’s hungry for nutritional knowledge and we spent 4 hours together learning how to get better outcomes from care.
The day after I spent another 4 hours with final year students at WIOC.
I must give big kudos to David Byfield for inviting me to spend that long with his students.
I told them what I thought, no doubt some of the tutors may not have agreed with everything I said, but is that not how we learn?
If you believe you are 100% correct on everything right now, then the learning is over.
The point of debate is not to prove you opinion but to IMPROVE your opinion.
To test your theory and beliefs against a robust dissection from others.
If you really, REALLY think you are correct, you should have no issues talking to other who disagree, should you?
Do you want a living truth as the basis of your treatment or a dead dogma?
So I salute WIOC and David for letting me explore my thoughts with them and hope other academic institutes do the same.
In other news, I am also going to be in the north of England on Saturday 16th March in Dinnington which is east of Sheffield.
I am doing 4 hours in the morning and there is also 3.5 hours in the afternoon with other speakers on a variety of topics, all for a total bargin of £95.
Tickets available here
Upskill Day – Team Training for the Whole Clinic
We should have dates for IOW and Hemel Hempstead in the next few weeks to confirm.
If anyone has space for 15-30 people down in Devon or Birmingham-ish please let me know.
Now, back to mismatch theory !!
Remember we are screening for those that might not respond to care as anticipated.
If they have already seen multiple other practitioners, then we should really consider, is my own flavour of neuro-mechanical care going to work on its own?
It is true that there are many Chiropractors/Osteopaths/Physios out there dishing out very poor care, mainly cracking/rubbing/rehabing bits that hurt.
So, that does need to be considered, but remember:
I wrote about it here:
The ones that do not get better tend to drop out without turning up and telling you that to your face.
So they fade away and see the other practitioner and they respond to that care, so they think they are amazing. And the same happens to them, so you think they are poor and you are amazing.
Everyone is King or Queen of their own castle.
So it might mean they have a metabolic consideration that is making them hurt more than they should and stiffer than they should be.
Which brings us to this warning sign:
If they have little dysfunction on examination, is it possible they have peripheral and central hypersensitivity driven by a combination of deficiencies and neuro-inflammation?
Check this out, a study looking at inflammation levels in disc patients, some with severe symptoms, some mild and controls.
They know some people have tiny bulges and severe symptoms and others, whopping herniations but little or no symptoms.
Could the level of inflammation be the difference in a sub-group?
In the severe group the TNF alpha (a PRO-inflammatory cytokine) trends higher than the mild and control group.
As TNF alpha goes up, so pain and disability (ODI) trends up.
Thus they conclude:
Note they say “may reveal latent neuropathic pain….”
This, my friends, is the focus of our course:
How does the metabolic world affect our neuro-mechanical world and potentially stop our care working as expected.