The Mineral the NHS Ignores, That Can Stop Heart Arrhythmia

Like many of you, I see patients in the longer term for a variety of reasons. Health and wellness through to pain relief for intractable issues. One such patient I have seen for nearly a decade, has AS, not active anymore but it sure left him stiff. As a result I have seen him every 6 weeks for many years, and more recently in 2023…

Are your Fruit & Veg Giving you Cancer?

If there is one piece of public health messaging that went into our brains and stayed there, it is: Fruit and veg – 5 a day. And for good reason. They contain a good many nutrients we need, albeit not the highest amounts. Those are reserved for animal products, especially organs, meat and dairy. Fruit and vegetables can be a great source of micronutrients, like…

Why Testosterone & Teenage Boys Is No Laughing Matter

There are not many things that you can make fun of directly or laugh at these days, but one thing that still seems to be an easy and acceptable target is teenage boys’ behaviour. They suddenly grow inches and become wildly clumsy, the voice breaks but is still occasionally squeaky, the skin may suddenly break out into acne.  And then the desire for sex starts….

Nutritional (and life) Bits and Bobs

This week’s newsletter, which my first since we returned from a long break in USA with my wife’s sisters and nieces is a mish-mash of awesome info.  What a time we had, we popped to the white house.  Sadly, Biden was already in bed and Harris doesn’t do interviews, probably best as Floyd finally showed his political hand in the gift shop. #ultraMAGA Can you imagine…

Are Blood Pressure Medications Causing Gout? (and high blood BP)

When I was a new and shiny graduate from the AECC maybe less than five years old, if patients told me the GP had diagnosed them with gout, I would have accepted it, no questions asked. But I learned that it’s always a good idea to actually check the symptoms fit the diagnosis and to make sure a blood test has actually been done to…

Love silver bullet but respect the bell curve

We all love silver bullets. You do one thing and a magical effect occurs and the patient is transformed. These patients think you are a genius, and even you’re a bit surprised something worked so well. These are the stories you hear when you go a technique seminar. The amazing results the guru on stage tell you about:  “…expect miracles daily”. And we want to…

Are You (and your patients) Suffering From Decision Fatigue?

Firstly, before we get into today’s newsletter as part of our ongoing commitment to evolving the IN Health range for better results and better value we are introducing a ONE LITRE pump bottles of Chiro Ice, to replace the now discontinued 300 ml bottles.  These treatment-room-sized bottles are available as a case of 2 bottles and our trade price for this is £90.00 incl. VAT, which…

Are You Wearing Blinkers?

Are you wearing blinkers? My big hairy friend Uno is and he’s got that in common with Medics and Chiropractors alike. I have a theory about the IQ of medical doctors and Chiropractors. If you measure the average IQ of medical doctors and compared it to the average IQ of Chiropractors. It would be a clear win for the medical side. And yet medical doctors (and…

Methotrexate Side Effects (& how to fix them easily)

If you look carefully you will find you have a few patients with a prescription for the medication methotrexate and  sulfasalazine.  They were originally used as anti-cancer drugs for metastasis as they reduce your ability to make new cells.  Now they are used as a treatment for autoimmunity for conditions such as RA, AS, Crohns disease, psoriasis and so on.  But the effect on our ability to…

Detox – Go systemic: Binders vs chelators

A few weeks ago we discussed the use of binders like charcoal to grab toxins in the gut and stop them getting re-circulated back into the blood from your gut, in an endless re-toxification cycle.  But if you need to get toxins actively removed from the cell, because your system is overwhelmed, you need a CHELATOR.  I have been using a lot of Zeolites recently, specifically,…