Last week we discussed the very real benefits of Ozempic but also the significant downsides that we know of so far.

Today, let us bring it back to our natural and ancestral roots. 

Remember GLP1 is an incretin hormone, that is released fromm the gut and tells you when you are full, controls gastric emptying, insulin levels and, indeed, many things that drive fat accumulation or overeating. 

It is my belief that a significant proportion of those that are on or will use Ozempic with good effects, could achieve the same effects with simple diet changes and lifestyle strategies. 

And I will show you that the strategies that we have used for decades as part of a healthy lifestyle (it is not a diet), work partly via increasing GLP1. 

How could I know this?

Well, long term yo yo dieter Oprah, has recently revealed she is using Ozempic. 

Now, the issue here is she is a huge share holder in the shares of Weight Watchers, purveyors of processed junk food and shaming via the scales on a weekly basis. 

She had to come clean that it was in fact the drug Ozempic that has led to her weight loss, not weight watchers and their “healthy recipe inspiration”, see below for help from them on how to carb load with pasta. 

I read an interview, here are some clues as to why she may not have had success in the last 45 years. 

“Weight fluctuations occupied five decades of space in my brain, yo-yo ing and feeling like why can’t I just conquer this thing, believing willpower was my failing” 

“I realized I’d been blaming myself all these years for being overweight, and I have a predisposition that no amount of willpower is going to control.”

The tragedy of this is she is a billionaire and no one has ever told that her willpower always runs out (they rely on that in weight watchers as part of their business model). 

It also means she is trying to calorie count, and likely restrict calories, which takes will power. 

This is clear from the next part: 

“She took the medication before Thanksgiving “because I knew I was going to have two solid weeks of eating,” she says, and “instead of gaining eight pounds like I did last year, I gained half a pound….It quiets the food noise.”

If you are perpetually hungry, maybe your body just wants more protein? 

Click it 👇

More protein = less hunger

Now she is also intermittent fasting, turns out no one told her eating little and often just keep your insulin high and the fat on. 

“I eat my last meal at 4 o’clock, drink a gallon of water a day” 

Imagine being a billionaire and no one told you that 16-8 fasting might be a great way to stabilise and control your blood sugars? 

I have summarised much of the research on blood sugar balance here. You can send this to your patients:

Click it 👇

So, what else can we tell Oprah to do? 

Increase protein to 30% to raise the feeling of fullness and less hunger 👀

The mechanism you say? 

Oh sure, GLP1 🔥

What about more saturated (SAT) and olive oil (MUFA) fats in your diet vs more carbohydrate (CHO), what might that do to your glucose levels?

What a surprise 🤨

Extra butter with that potato to push my GPL1 up? Don’t mind if I do. 

So less glucose = less insulin, which largely controls fat deposition.

And of course, it leads to more hormones of satiety, aka GLP1. 

But we are not done yet, we can also add in curcumin and push it up a bit higher again. 

FYI We are currently in R&D for our new Curcumin and Boswellia product, both patented forms with so much research in humans with real clinical outcomes, there is nothing else like it.