Why the NHS Ignores Kidney Disease (& the simple thing to help)

I have noticed an alarming trend in patients. They have some bloods done at the GP and they have impaired kidney function. Urea is high, eFGR (estimated glomerular filtration rate) is low, and yet the GP’s seem remarkably unbothered and do…….nothing. This is in not just aged people, but also young ones too. At first I couldn’t work out why? But consider what would they…

Why I Hate Pandas

Trigger warning: This newsletter contains sarcasm and irony. I do not condone hatred of furry animals (or vegans). Did you know I can see into the future? It is a blessing and a curse, I can see the future potential good and the potential bad with ease. It might be something to do with my dopamine genetic tendencies from my polymorphisms on the dopamine receptor…

Why Inflammation Makes You Stiff

Have you ever noticed that your patients with inflammatory conditions (AS, RA, PMR etc) are unusually stiff? Chances are you have and if you are like me, you would have thought it was the joints. And depending on how far down the line they are, that might be true. However, ask a patient with AS how they feel at lunchtime compared first thing in the…

Mismatch theory: Part 2 (The Revenge)

Last week I had the pleasure of spending a few days in Cardiff, first with the lovely Michelle Thomas at her wellness hub, where we had 20 DC’s hungry for nutritional knowledge and we spent 4 hours together learning how to get better outcomes from care. The day after I spent another 4 hours with final year students at WIOC.  I must give big kudos…

Mismatch theory: Are you aware?

Quick reminder we are now only a few hours from closing the CCCN enrollment for another 6 months. Check your freebies here: In terms of bone mineral density (BMD), do you know the difference the T score and the Z score? https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/825978017/d99f188338 And check out part 1 of our migraine protocol. https://vimeo.com/814730780/e0ea8b7031 Now to this week’s newsletter……mismatch theory. If you have never seen it, give…

How quickly do supplements/nutrition work in clinic?

Quick update on seminars. We now have a date for a seminar approximately 15 miles from Sheffield on Saturday, March 16th. This will be 4 hours with me and then another 3-4 hours with a selection of other speakers picked by our host. Full details are coming soon ! Plus, we should have a location and date in March for a seminar on the Isle…

The End of Average Care

Once upon a time, a patient of mine had a sodding enormous dog called Loki.  An English mastiff, they can weigh as much as 25 stones or 155 kg, like this chunky monkey, Zorba. Imagine him as a lap dog…… Literally the size of a small horse. Anyhoo, as much as he loved Loki, he didn’t love the vet bills.  Flea injections, anti-biotics etc etc…

Are the majority of pregnant women deficient in key nutrients?

Quick news before we get into today’s insights – in 2024 we are going on tour !! We are being hosted at a variety of locations throughout the UK for half-day seminars for anyone who wants to learn the basics of why, how and what to integrate nutrition for better results from neuro-mechanical care. Southampton Sat 20th Jan 9-1 PM St James Chiropractic Clinic, Old…

The cows are mad: Me and vCJD

In 1997, on a dark winter night back home for a week from the AECC, I met a former girlfriend who also had recently gone off to university. During our chat it became obvious she was lip reading and she had not been deaf before. Not only had she lost a lot of her hearing, she was also having balance issues and had been falling…