We are only 2 weeks into Evolved collagen being on sale and we are already putting in another order with the manufacturer.

It is going out faster than the sweets on Halloween, but without giving you advanced glycation end-products (AGE’s).

The skin, bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons of the UK are feeling more youthful already.

To celebrate this, below is a link to the patient education video:


This 4 minute video helps them to understand that Collagen helps us in two ways:

And covers why we need glycine in big doses, in order to satisfy the metabolic demands for glycine as the back bone of our cellular machinery.

Once we satisfy the demands for purines to make DNA, and heme for Hemogolbin and creatine for energy and bile for absorption and on and on……then and only then can we maximally produce collagen from the amino acids we have provided.

Remember this is covered in our infographics that can be ordered via Natalie on inhealthsupplements@yahoo.com, please specify if you want a free standing one or a flat one for walls/whiteboards.

And on Wednesday the 22nd of November I will be hosting a live webinar on collagen and how to maintain and heal, covering all the above while busting some myths, the link is at the end.

Halloween this week (see kids efforts below):

Plus, Floyd turned nine this week, how on earth did that happen?!

Stay brilliant King Floyd.

For those of us a little more mature, the issue with Halloween sweets is the process of sugar sticking to protein or fat called GLYCATION.

The issue is this bonding changes the function of the tissues.

For your connective tissues/collagen, this leads to stiffness via a form of scarring.

You and your patients have all felt this when you have sugar on your fingers and it’s tacky.

If you pull your fingers apart, probelm solved, but in your tissues, if it stays then it becomes a:

This is permanent.

This is how diabetics lose blood flow as capillary function is damaged and nerves go as lose function.

In our connective tissues, this leads to collagen prone to injury, which heals badly (diabetics definitely heal badly).

Not only does glycation stick your tissues together, it also triggers inflammation.

Inflammation then damages you, which needs repairing, which means more scar tissue, albeit via a different mechanism.

Glycation affects everything, including red blood cells, which is the basic of the blood sugar test HbA1c.

It is a reflection of long-term sugar control as RBC’s last months.

There are some sneaky ways to control your blood sugars we talked about before.

Eat your protein/no-starchy veggies first and carbs/sugar last.

Full article here:


And we can use apple cider vinegar with meals in a little water also.

Full article:


I love these small, easy to implement tips which can have a profound effect on patient health outcomes.

I tell my patients, diabetic or not, sugar makes you stiff.

If they want to improve their range of motion or heal tissues, controlling their blood sugars is a good idea.

It is also good for mental health, as sugars drop sharply, this is a stressful event for the body and it goes into fight/flight, releasing cortisol.

We talked about that here:
