When is a placebo not a placebo?

Question: When is a placebo not a placebo? (short) Answer: If it is something other than an inert substance, like saline. This shouldn’t really need to be explained, but in a scientific world that has been manipulated by the pharmaceutical industry, it sadly does. Take our old friend statins, the best-selling drug in the world. You would think, if you are going to publish in…

A gut based cure for autism?

In case you haven’t heard, there is an explosion in the diagnosis of autism. There are a few things to unpack here. First, we were under diagnosing it before, no doubt. Especially in women, it turns out, the recent BBC documentary by Christine McGuinness is worth watching. Women/girls are better at “masking”. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001k31t/christine-mcguinness-unmasking-my-autism But we should also consider whether we are potentially overdiagnosing it now?…

Chiro Ice just got even better

Well, we have a lovely new gaggle of DC/DO’s nestling into our nutritional bosom here at ACN, and I plan to let them suckle at my functional medicine teat until they are in a milky learning coma. Let that image settle in…… Secondly, today should be the launch day for Meta Boost, but people have let us down badly and it will now be another…

Bad Science = Great Journalism

It is hard to read any mainstream media content these days without being told that food X is either death on a stick or the key to longevity. These kinds of articles are often written by “science” journalists, an oxymoron if there ever was one. They get a press release from a company who have paid for some “science” to be done and, would you…

Why making energy takes so much energy (and what to do about it)

Treating patients with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue syndrome can be at best daunting, at worst depressing. There are many, many root causes involved in both these conditions. But at the heart of both, and indeed, arguably, all health conditions, are inefficient mitochondria. The number one source of free radicals/oxidative stress is your metabolism, thus your mitochondria. Remember excess free radicals equals oxidative…

Why K2 stops your arteries clogging up with calcium

Imagine being offered a heart related drug with the promise of reducing heart attacks/CVA and thus death, but it increases your arterial calcification. Would it seem to be something of an oxymoron? Well, our old friend statins are once again trying to gaslight the whole world into believing your liver just cannot stop making those naughty lipoproteins carrying around fat, which we call cholesterol. Sure,…

Three words to sooth your nerves

We all know that things we can abbreviate into three-letters are always best. Just think of most of the good techniques: SOT, NET, TBM, NSA, ABC, AK. See, three letters. Today, we pass that mantle onto alpha-lipid acid or ALA. ALA really is a multifaceted molecule, from anti-oxidant to blood glucose stabiliser, to heavy metal chelator, it can play many roles in many conditions. We…

Time to integrate?

Question: I also mentioned this paper https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3229745/pdf/586_2011_Article_1886.pdf Worth a read. What did happen to the Bio in Bio-psycho-social? It is almost like the medical profession (and some Chiropractors/Osteopaths) have no interest in functional derangements in the neuro-mechanical system as a source of pain………. There is a sub-group of patients with metabolic dysfunction driving pain, depression/anxiety and fatigue, of that, there is ample evidence. By understanding…