Shame and guilt (over pizza)

Before we get into it this week, thank you to the lovely people at the McTimoney Chiropractic Association for inviting me to speak at the weekend on vitamin B12. I had a great time, answered a ton of questions & met up once again with the excellent Dr Chris Collaca DC PhD. Hopefully the MCA members will be saving and changing lives with the knowledge…

The power of butter

Did you know the primary fuel for the gut cells lining your intestines is a short chain fatty acid called Butyrate? Butyrate is also called Butyric acid and without it, your gut lining goes from a selective sieve to a leaky colander. It’s also a powerful anti-inflammatory both locally in the gut and systemically. So where do we get our butyrate from? Well, it’s the…

Ego is the enemy

If there was one book all new graduates should be forced to read before being allowed to register & practice, it’s “Ego is the Enemy” by Ryan Holiday. I love it. Whenever I lecture, I start by saying all Chiropractors have two things in common. 1) We all have amazing life changing results with some patients. These are easy stories to whip out on stage, which gently…

Teeth like Shane MacGowan?

Did you know that the first randomised controlled trial was done in 1747 by naval surgeon James Lind? Back then scurvy was a killer. On May 20, 1747 he divided the 12 sick sailors into six pairs, and provided each of them with a different supplement in their diet (with sailor response added for historical accuracy): cider – “get the F**k in” vitriolic elixir (diluted sulfuric…

Myths of probiotics & always listen to men called Tony

Many many years ago I was taught the four R’s of digestion. It went something like Remove (bad bugs) Replace (digestive acid/enzymes) Re-inoculate (good bacteria) Repair (the gut lining) And it is still used by me and many other practitioners to some extent, though our understanding out of the gut microbiome from when I started 2001 is completely different. But in 2007 I was sat in…

Granny knows best

Firstly thank you to the Chiropractic Association of Ireland for inviting me to lecture last weekend. I had a great time lecturing in Dublin, a keen audience for information on the incredible benefits of vitamin B12. I also had the pleasure of meeting Dr Robert Melillo and seeing his talk. As a Chiropractor with a few years under my belt, I can smell Chiropractic bullshit…

from Dublin with love

By the time this you read this I will be nestled into the welcoming (if slightly damp) bosom of Dublin. I am lecturing at the Chiropractic Association of Ireland (CAI) this weekend on why vitamin B12 deficiency is creating an epidemic of missed diagnosis and mis-diagnoses. The three things I want attendees to know when they leave are: 3 Key symptoms of B12 deficiency: Persistent…

How to feed 100 trillion friends

For many years I did not eat a single piece of food containing complex carbohydrate/starch/polysaccharides. Not a single sodding mouthful. Meat & salad. Repeat. I ate fruit as it’s a single sugar unit as fructose and some glucose, depending on the fruit, but starchy food was a big no no. For me this was painful. I loved crisps and pizza and chips……who doesn’t on occasion?…

It takes a lot of energy to make energy

Treating patients with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue syndrome can be at best daunting, at worst depressing. There are many, many root causes involved in both these conditions. But at the heart of both and indeed arguably all health conditions are inefficient mitochondria. The number one source of free radicals/oxidative stress is your metabolism. You have to burn glucose (or ketones if you…