I have prepared a video for you this week which covers:

– Vitamin D levels and dosing using the chart – you will have been sent the chart when you signed up, but I have attached it here once again talked through the chart and how to use it.

– The Neuro-mechanical metabolic interface – I have extracted some slides directly from Module 1 on pain thresholds and a research study on disc patients, this is fascinating stuff. It explains why some patients with huge bulges have little or no pain and why some patients with tiny bulges have severe symptoms.

– Omega 3 and why I do not use it to reduce inflammation, this one might be controversial! Many of you love a bottle of omega 3, and I used to sell it by the bucket load, not any more (nor do I take it).

Watch it here:



– Print and laminate the A4 vitamin D chart

– Consider the results your omega 3 supplements are generating, how many people actually report less pain? If things are not giving you results, change it. How would your hunter gatherer ancestors eaten 3 grams of omega 3 on the plains of Africa.