Last week I introduced the new product we are eagerly awaiting:

This is a double whammy that really works.
The reason it works is all tied up with the PHYTOSOME which delivers it to the BLOOD and then into CELL (where we want it).
But more than that, it is because we are stacking therapeutics.
Whenever I am treating a chronically unwell person, who has seen many other practitioners, it is all about breaking the vicious cycle.

I just need to move the needle in terms of function AND symptoms.
These patients have many things going wrong and so doing one thing at a time, often doesn’t work.
That works with drugs as they are suppressing the SYSTEM or a SYMPTOM, so the root cause often doesn’t matter.
When I had psoriasis, the root cause of my immune system becoming overactive didn’t matter.

The NHS offered me steroid cream (anti-inflammatory locally), then disease-modifying drugs like sulfasalazine and methotrexate to inhibit my immune system. And if really needed they would block my immune system via cytokine blockers such as Infliximab (Remicade) and adalimumab (Humira).
They all work (to some extent), but like all drugs they come with a cost.
But when you are looking at a complex system that you are trying to improve, you need to remove as much interference as you can.
Consider the energy cycle, in the diagram below, everything in a blue box is a co-factor for an enzyme that moves the cycle forward towards ATP.

You only need one of these to be really low and the system crashes.
That is how STATINS for cholesterol make you hurt, by blocking the production of CoQ10

Read read it 👇

So when it comes to chronic patients I am always encouraging them to go all in on the supplements at the start.
Better to take a few more at the start and get change, then peel back later, than do one at a time (like a drug) and fail to get the system running because they needed more than one thing.
For me when patients are in chronic pain, my 3 go to products are:Â

Ideally, all 3 together if they can, most of the pouches are a month supply.
Go all in at the start plus neuro-mechanical care and reassess in 2-4 weeks.
Most people, if you get it right, will feel something in 2 weeks, sometimes 4 max.
In terms of the TURMERIC PLUS, this has an ANTI-INFLAMMATORY affect via two mechanisms.
The way NSAID’s work is they block/suppress the COX 1 & 2 enzymes that converts arachidonic acid into the pro-inflammatory PGE2.

They work but again at a cost, as COX 1 is also expressed in the stomach, where it makes mucous.
No COX 1 = no mucous = stomach ulcer from acids burning your stomach lining.
That by the way was the supposed benefit of VIOXX, that it selectively blocked COX2 and left COX 1 alone, for anti-inflammatory effect, with no stomach issues.
Trouble is, VIOXX did give you heart attacks and strokes, which led to 50k deaths around the world.
Curcumin DOWN-REGULATES but does not shut down COX 1 & 2, hence we get the benefits without the side-effects.
That is one mechanism, but with BOSWELLIA (also know as FRANKINCENSE), we get another.
Arachidonic acid can also be converted into a LEUKOTRIENE, under the action of the LOX5 enzyme.
But here is where BOSWELLIA turns the enzyme down and gets inflammation down.

Note leukotrienes are often associated with allergic like issues such as asthma and eczema.
Which is why the research below is so interesting.
Remember this is the actual ingredient we have in our combo product, along with PHYTOSOMAL curcumin.

32 patients all undergoing standard care for chronic asthma, plus half also got PHYTOSOMAL boswellia.
At the follow up in 4 weeks, the boswellia group were using their inhalers far less.

Note the Y axis is slightly disingenuous as it starts at 8.5 uses of an inhaler per week, not from zero which would have been more reflective of the fact PHYTOSOMAL boswellia worked, dropping the weekly use from 14 to 8.5, approximately a 40% reduction.
Note, we said they would know if it is working within 2-4 weeks, and if you look at the chart they would know something was changing by week 2.
In our more traditional area of neuro-mechanical issues, here is a study on grade 2 ankle sprains.
Remember most people are walking around with a SUSTAINED LOW GRADE INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE.
That is to say a CRP of over 1.
Remember inflammation is a spectrum.

Re-Read it here 👇

So, when they sprain their ankle, inflammation is already up and ready to go crazy, and that can slow down or indeed stop healing – this is an important concept to remember.
So PHYTOSOMAL boswellia can bring that back down for quicker healing within 3 days vs standard care.

For acute knee pain after injury in rugby players, over 4 weeks, standard care vs standard care plus PHYTOSOMAL boswellia.
Note the changes in the bowellia group are consistently more than 50% better than standard care.

And they even measured CRP and note they were all over optimal at the start (> 3 mg/L), which dropped by more than 50% in the PHYTOSOMAL boswellia group.