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Also, if you are a clinic with 3 or more practitioners, did you know we offer in house zoom CPD to get you started with nutrition?
Please email me back, and we can arrange times to suit and get you started.
We will also be doing some free evening webinars coming up in the next few months, starting with collagen on Wed March 20th at 7 PM, stick it in the diary.
Topic: Collagen: What is the truth about supplements? And why glycine KEY for healing and health.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Last summer we had a builder doing some work, nice chap, very chatty. I couldn’t help but notice the food he brought in and by the end of the chat we had established his blood sugars were up and down like a yo-yo, and he was putting on weight as a result.
I sent him the article below and suggested ACV with meals, fewer carbs, more protein/fat and eat the protein first, carbs last, and 16-8 fasting, easy.
He also mentioned his wife had gone vegan the year before and had now developed severe migraines.
So bad he had paid to go privately to see a neurologist.
Sadly, they know remarkably little about the actual causes, but a lot about drug options.
Thus, she started on the conveyor belt of medication.
He was back yesterday and his wife is now having “migraine” most days and is often bed-bound and saying this like “what’s the point of carrying on”.
She is now pinning her hopes on the miracle drug for migraine, a calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) inhibitor.
CGRP is the last trigger in a complex chemical sequence, that is underpinned by mitochondrial dysfunction and neuro-inflammation.
CGRP is the tipping point for metabolic collapse in the cell.
Do these drugs work?
Yes they do:
But, they are not a cure and the price you pay for drugs that are potent years down the line.
But the thing is, we know CGRP is produced after provocation from neuro-inflammation and nociception.
CGRP is not a bad faith actor, a “bad molecule” out to get you.
It is a symptomatic, downstream, functional expression of dysfunctional mitochondria, neuro-inflammation (both cause each other) and nociception.
Sure we can flatten it to a degree with the new miracle drug, and pay the price in side effects later.
But how about we look for the root cause of inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction and nociception – could that work as well as the new drug?
Check this out, vitamin D for migraine (remember low vitamin D = higher inflammation) and they are looking at migraines levels AND CGRP.
Vitamin D at 2000 IU daily (a modest dose) gave them 36% less h/a per month and a 34% reduction related disability (by not means a cure but a clinically significant reduction).
And that is just one part of a complex jigsaw that is migraines.
We also use carnitine (only found in meat or Meta-Boost):
And B12 (only found in meat)
Ultimately, that is why we have a protocol all about migraine which includes the neuro-mechanical components as well as bio-chemical.
I strongly suspect his wife has slowly depleted her nutrients by eating a low nutrient dense diet (ultra-processed vegan) and triggered a fragile central nervous system into metabolic collapse, possibly with a little help from her upper cervicals and TMJ/teeth.
If you want to know when to use Meta-Boost, check out this 1 minute video on when to use it