As you read this I am drawing to the end of a week off from clinic, time with the family and preparing to turn 43 on the August 24th.
We always hire a beach hut at this time of year so we can watch the Bournemouth air show swimming in the sea (not this year sadly).
It would be fair to say the weather has been somewhat hit and miss, but the good times have been fabulous.
Birthdays are always a good time to reflect and consider our life, and I realised it has been nearly 18 months since I started writing a weekly newsletter.
Who knew I had so much to say!
So to give those newer members the full flavour of my work, today’s newsletter is a “best of”, there are some serious gems in here so get reading.
The one where Floyd got the shits: I reveal the special probiotic yeast you should always have in your cupboard and when on holiday.
Why folic acid is not your friend and why to could indirectly give you cancer and dementia.
The one where I reveal the myths of probiotics and how to grow your own bacteria
The one where I give away the secret to stopping colds in their tracks with research-proven supplements
The one about weeding killing pesticides, killing off our gut bugs and maybe upsetting our collagen.
The one about butter and why it is your friend
The one about anti-hypertensive medication giving your patients gout
The trilogy about vitamin D:
breastfeeding (video)
Pregnancy (video)
Growing pains (video)
There is more where that came from, you can browse the last 18 months worth of actionable nuggets right here on the Academy home page.
Spread the word – we are building a movement of clinicians that want to be exceptional in terms of results and the knowledge they give to patients.
We live in a world that is sicker than ever and neuromechanical care does not work as well as it used to and ought to.
The reason?
Well, there are many, but the metabolic mayhem that comes from a diet high in ultra-processed junk food and allergens, low in nutrients and high in toxins, plus a cocktail of prescribed and OTC medications, is a great place to start.
If you have friends who say something like, “I just want to adjust/manipulate/rehab/other technique, I refer out for nutrition”, they are burying their heads in the sand.
How will they know to refer out if they do not understand which drugs induce nutrient deficiencies, which nutrient deficiencies induce hypersensitivity, systemic inflammation and depression/anxiety?
It is willful ignorance and it is not good enough.
So forward this and tell your friends to go to the site and sign up for the free weekly newsletter plus free videos on vitamin D and the vitamin D blood level interpretation & dosing chart.